Wednesday, January 9, 2013

JLP 5 Flashcards

Over winter break I decided to make Anki flashcards for the Japanese course that I'm in this semester.  If you don't know what Anki is, it is a wonderfully convenient and absolutely free program that allows you to create your own flashcards and review original content. I've uploaded the files to Google Drive if anyone's interested in using them to prepare for the midterm next week! :)

Download the flashcard files [here!]

Installing all four lessons of flashcards should be as simple as downloading the file, and then choosing File -> Import and selecting the saved .apkg file on your hard drive. You need to be using the most recent version of Anki to view these flashcards.

* Note: the kanji flashcards display the kana so you can write the character and then check your answer afterwards. If you prefer to study seeing the kanji first and then the meaning, you can flip which side is displayed first in the options menu.